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We help you track, clean, and collect the information you need to make informed business decisions

We can help you set up a process to generate and collect information on your Middle East consumers’ behaviors and preferences, category trends, and/or competitive intelligence.

The process can help you answer questions such as; how large is the market opportunity for my product/service? how does my brand stack up against the competition? which demographics are most likely to buy my product/service? which advertising campaign will resonate best with my target market?

Such information and research are vital for businesses to inform product development and go-to-market strategy to ultimately drive business growth in the Middle Esat markets. 

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Our data & analytics services

Consumer Behaviour

We help you discover specific groups attitudes, perceptions, shopping habits, views, beliefs, and more

Ad (A/B) Testing

Are you sending the right message to consumers? Start testing Ad campaigns to ensure they resonate with your target audience

Market Trends

Discover key market trends in the Middle East. Understand how Arabs interact online and collect proprietary consumer opinions

Brand Tracking

See how your brand health is trending over time. Track brand metrics like awareness, favorability, conversion, loyalty, and more

Product Development

Test early and often when developing new products. See what to ask when you’re testing concepts, packaging, price points, and more

Crisis Management

Track how news about your company changes brand perception. Create a survey today to use as a baseline during a PR crisis

We have learned that every business is unique and has different objectives and needs. What we offer are strategies, solutions, and tools that help your business to solve problems and reach goals in both Europe and the Middle East markets.

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